Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday Redoux Features and Link up Party

Summer has finally arrived in my part of the world.  I thought I lived in sunny California!  What we got for our late Spring was torrential rain!  It is sunny and beautiful here now, and I am so excited to share with you the fantastic "Redouxs" of last week:

First up is Heidi from Chick Hardware

This is one amazing Redoux.  That chair was uuuuggggly before.  Wow, I love the Green pop against the white.  Great work! 

Heidi is one talented gal, not only does she "Redoux" furniture and the like, she creates gorgeous jewlery!  .  Thank you so much Heidi for linking up!  You go!

Next, is one of the most clever things I have seen in a while:

Red Hen Home  Shared this amazing transformation:

She took this Plane Jane Table she found at a garage sale....

And did this to it:

I will never look at a wood topped anything the same again! What a clever idea! 

Thank you so much for everyone who participated.

Now it is your turn....I know, I used to say no rules, but even Good Time Charlie has learned that rules sometimes make the party more fun for everyone, so here they are:

1. Grab a Friday Link up button from my side bar and please display on your blog

2. Mention on your blog you are linking up here, hey the more the merrier!

3. Be friendly and visit each other's blogs.  You never know where your next great idea may come from.

I will feature the best link ups next Friday. 

Now it's your turn! 


  1. I have to say that the coffee table redoux was one of my favorites as well. Thanks for hosting the party!


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