Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cassie's Story and a dialog all women need to have

Today's post is not about furniture, not about decorating, not about any of the fun and beautiful "Things" that fill our lives.  
I am writing today to bring awareness to something that is a epidemic in our society and one that is not discussed often enough with each other, with our daughters, with our friends.  

Please read some of the info I have given here, then please go read Cassie's Story at Primitive and Proper

"According to a federal study, about three percent of college women are sexually attacked and thirteen percent are stalked during an academic year. "The Sexual Victimization of College Women" was released last year by the U.S. Justice Department's National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics. The report is based on interviews with 4,446 college women (employing a nationally representative sample) and examines the frequency and nature of sexual assault on college campuses in the United States" 

Three Percent!  If you go to a large university of 30,000 students, this is about 900 women.  Of those women, many will not seek help from fear, shame or shock. In the aftermath of these traumatic events, many women will develop other dangerous behaviors as a way to "control their world that has suddenly spun out of control".  One of the most common coping methods at college campuses are eating disorders.

 Cassie has been blogging for several years, she is a talented young women with a beautiful family and has built a successful blog and business creating beautiful furniture and home decor.  Today, Cassie is sharing her own story in hopes of helping others who have experienced similar trauma, or that we all become more aware of this problem. Many of you reading this have daughters, some away at college.  I urge you to read this post, then have this conversation with your daughter.  

Much love to all who read this post and go on to read Cassie's.  



  1. thank you so much for sharing, karen, and for your nice words about me. i do hope mothers and fathers will read this and talk to their kids. i know i will talk to mine as i never want them to be victims or even worse, predators.

  2. An important issue. You can bet, like with most sex crimes, those
    numbers are very low. Educating both young men and women can surely help.
    Thank you both.


  3. Very scary--I had no idea, and am incredibly blessed to be left out of the stats.
    I was so busy working a full time job, and living off campus--maybe I was too busy to notice or BE noticed--?? Whichever, I count myself lucky, and pray for the ones who were.are not.

  4. Scary! That's it, signing the girls back up for karate! ps - just pointed out your profile picture to my youngest (she thinks you look really cool - lol!) Take care, awesome to finally talk to you today:) Happy dumpster diving!


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