Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

Meet Emma.

Every gal who is trying to juggle a paint/creative business, while raising children, taking care of home and family and other community and church obligations needs an Emma. 

Emma is one of my closest friends and has recently been promoted to apprentice. Emma is one hard worker, like the apprentice, sometimes you get the less glamorous work.  (but really, what in this line of work is glamorous, until you take the finish photo)

Loot at how hard those hands are working!  

Emma is willing to learn anything I can offer and soaks up new skills and info like a sponge.  Kind of like I just point in the general direction and off she goes.

See how much paint she got off there in one scrape?

Since Emma and I joined forces, I have been able to significantly increase the amount of work I am finishing and the furniture cube is slowly being reduced to a manageable furniture pile.  (which suffering husband is greatly pleased with)

Currently, Emma is helping me with my Free To Me Old Doors that I wrote about yesterday.  We had no idea how much paint was on these things until we started in..... 

This is about how far we got yesterday:

And this is where the doors are today.  I think I might hit wood later!  These doors are going down in the record book for the most layers of different colored paint on one piece of furniture or door EVAH! 

When Emma and I are not working, we like to hang out with our kids and dress like this:  
See?  Creative types always stick together.  Who else would understand my pink hair? 

PS  Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see the features from last week and link up your latest REDOUX! 


  1. where can i get an emma? i think i need one.

  2. You are very lucky to have Emma in your life!

  3. Lucky you...and lucky Emma - she gets to learn all of your secrets! I will come scrape paint with ya too!

  4. You're so cute! Loving the pink hair, you are totally working it! : )

    Sammy ~ Renew Redo


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