Saturday, February 11, 2012

Le Chalkboard...always a bridesmaid, never a bride

Bonjour, if you are looking for the linky party, it is still alive and growing until Sunday night at midnight!  Just scroll below to find it. 

Or click Here for Le Linky Party

Quick Saturday post to show the chalkboard that is always in the background.  Checking out Donna's Weekend Party at Funky Junk Interiors, she is doing a special link up and feature on old windows.  I realized, I have NEVER posted anything about my window turned chalkboard!   It's always a bridesmaid, backing up my creations, but never has it been a bride, had it's own shining spotlight.

I have a good friend who is a contractor and sometimes calls me before he goes to the dump if there is anything particularly good worth saving.  He knew these are hard to come by, so I was delighted to receive these old windowpanes.  I am so sad that I didn't take "before" pictures, but I made this long "before" there was a blog! 

I knocked out the glass, cleaned and sanded the frame well.  Sealed it well (because I wasn't sure if it had been painted with lead paint),  and cut a piece of plywood to fit the back of the frame.  Painted the wood in chalkboard paint, laid it down on the window frame and secured it with wood screws.  

Used drywall screws to secure to my wall.  Finished it off with a stencil and white acrylic paint to show each course of "le meal" we might be having. 

These pictures were from a 4th of July party.  It was a really yummy party!  My lovely window turned menu board sits next to my dining table and announces le menu, (when we feel fancy)

Linking up to

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Love it! Glad it finally got to be in the spotlight.


  2. The menu made me hungry ;)

    Fab as Always!!

  3. I l-u-v chalkboards!
    I guess I never realized yours was a 3-pane window--VERY cool!

  4. 3 of my faves - old windows, chalk boards and burgers!! Already a GFC follower but now also on Linky!

  5. Your chalkboard looks fabulous, I love it.
    Hugs, Cindy I am following you on Linky now.

  6. Love the chalkboard!!
    Thank you so much for your visit!

  7. Beautiful! I guess I'm usually so in awe of your furniture that I'd never noticed your chalkboard. My husband has a stack of old windows that he uses to build furniture out of...and I may just go snag one of them to do this today! Love!! Off to pin!

  8. I so love it! Thank you for sharing. And, yes, I'm super behind in my blog reading. lol. Hope you had a grand weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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