Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What in the Heck is that?

A little post on a little strangeness I came across today.

I have no idea what it is.  In fact, the clerk at Goodwill was thrilled I was buying it.  She tole me a lot of people have been asking what it is. 

I don't know either!  But I thought it needed a home, with MOI!  

If you haven't checked out this blog, you must if you have any interest in junky restorations! This is one of my favorite parties! 


  1. I don't know what it is, but I love it! I totally would have bought it. Does it come apart? You could make some amazing finials??? ~Lori

  2. We used to have lamps like this long, long ago. The middle part was a sorta small table.

  3. Some kind of lamp or candle holder possibly? I love that you bought it!

  4. Not sure either but it does resemble a lamp table. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  5. is it metal?...turn it upside down does it have a mark on it....ITALY...?
    I think if its metal its an alter candle holder....I would love to know what you find out!

  6. hi, I just happenned to go through your blog and bumped into your question. I think it might be what's left from a....hookah... you call it?
    we, here in Greece call it narghile.

  7. It is a solid brass candlestick! The "dish" is the drip pan for the melting wax. It comes apart and can be used at several different heights. I had 2 of these at one time. Finding a candle to fit was tricky. A florist store carries plastic adapters that fit opening yet give you something wider to sit candle on.
    But I feel sure you do not intend to use it for such. The many pieces could be used for all sorts of things! Please share...Lynette


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