Monday, March 19, 2012

The Anatomy of a Teen's party

Happy Monday friends!



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Now....on with the post!

Over the weekend we experienced something we have never experienced before in our home.  The first teenage BOY-GIRL party!! 

My oldest recently turned 15, you can read all about this sweet girl HERE

Through the course of planning the event, and experiencing the event, I learned a few things I thought I would share:

1.  Have far more food than would be needed to feed an army from a small country.  It is mind boggling how much food the average teenager can consume.

2. Have more soda than the average.......see number 1 (same rule applies here)

3. Plan for awkardness at the beginning of the evening.

4. Plan on your teen being annoyed with anything you do the entire evening.  Remember, you are embarrassing them just by your existence!

5. After they have been well fed, several fun games have been played....(did you know teens really LOVE musical chairs?  We had to play two rounds of it.) They will remember how to socialize, how to enjoy having their picture taken, and most of all, how to be happy teens.

At the end of it all, much fun was had by all who attended.
  The once sweet girl, turned Bridezilla teen returned to her sweet self and actually APOLOGIZED to me (on her own) for her slight annoyance at my presence during the event. 

I went to bed a happy mommy.


  1. i am going to have to remember when my kids are teens that they are not too old for musical chairs! :)

  2. I feel your pain!

    My oldest turned 15 last week and his party is next week. And since it's spring break, his very social sister (13) wants to have her own Anime party. Not together on the same day since the kids think the other is far more embarrassing than mom! LOL I am definitely going to costco for food!

  3. I anxiously went to your blog to see the new layout on Wordpress--to find no change--yet.
    So, I'll do it all again tomorrow! Can't wait to see!

  4. LOL! That was absolutely hilarious Karen and excellent tips for those of us still a few years away from that stage! :-)

  5. Poor baby! You lived through it though. Whew! Good job ;) Looks like the party was a SMASH =) I am sure she'll be annoyed by you at least once more before she is ready to fly the coupe ;) Hugs!!

    I told a young driver to slow down in the parking lot after the band concert Saturday night... I could see my poor son cringing. hehe. OH WELL!

  6. You are brave girlfriend! The only excitement I had over the weekend was discovering the girls had been playing in the ditch ten minutes before their spring concert at church last night. Kekai came running in covered in muddy who-knows-what that smelled awful! She was all excited about the leech that Erin had just plucked from her foot. Oh the joys of raising children ~ we can only be so proud yeah? Glad you made it through!!

  7. What's with the slip cover on the love seat? I also see an unpainted chair.
    What's up with that?

  8. I meant, cool chandalier, red piano bench and chalk board behind
    the two boys. You have an awesome house. Your familiy must
    be very lucky!


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