Thursday, March 1, 2012

Le Doors Have it, Free Again!

What in the heck is going on?  Has the whole world gone mad with throwing out perfectly good things?  Are people ripping out old doors and throwing them next to dumpsters,

 in ditches, and practically right into my minivan?  I know my minivan looks like this after a dump run:

But to me it feels like this
 This morning's junk hunt (early).  I went to a new spot, and there they were. 

 Tons, and tons of old wood rolling garage door panels.  After I finished my happy dance, I loaded as many as I could into my car.  The rest were all twice the length of my van, but trust me, I loaded one in, just to see how much it would stick out the back.  Calculated the distance back to my home and the odds of being pulled over.  As I was finishing the conversation with myself, the owner of the garage door company pulled up.  He was THRILLED I was taking the doors and saving him a trip to the dump.  Not only that, they will be cutting the remaining doors down for me later today.  This will make a total of about 16 panels. 

The taller ones, I will cut the top panel off.  These will make fabulous room dividers, a ton of cool chalkboards, and whatever else my crazy, junk filled mind can dream up.  

Oh, BTW, did I show you this door?  

Spied by Mr. Red in a reno dumpster.  I of course obtained permission before looting.  It has a cute window in it!  

And....if you are curious how my garage looks now, well, it isn't pretty.

The furniture Cube  has turned into a furniture blob

By the way, does anyone have the numbers for Hoarders and Junkaholics Anonymous? 



  1. Compared to my garage, your garage looks like heaven!!!!

  2. Just so you know.....my toes curled when I saw your garage...If lovin junk is wrong, then I dont WANNA be right!! LOL!!! Now I have to go wipe all the drool off of my keyboard....
    Keep on JUNKIN my sister!!

  3. Oh how awesome! You find the best stuff!

  4. Wow, what a great stash! I don't think you can call Hoarders Anonymous until you have lost at least one of your little people or the favorite family pet in the piles. At least that's what I tell my Mr. when he starts to question my "collection". Can't wait to see all the pretties you'll make with those doors.

  5. Oh maaaaan! The "fog" lifted from my severe head cold long enough to have junque-envy!
    Omgosh--the reno-dumpster door would be very cool as a MudRoom door with some sign painting for Laundry Services--$$ and hours!
    --The garage doors would be FABulous applied vertically as paneling in an office, or horizontally as wainscoting!
    Dang your luck--I'm comin' to visit!

  6. those doors are awesome! and i had a karen moment today.... i live out in the country so not much happens out here. i was driving along, headed to of course the salvation army, when i spy with my little eyes a pair of nesting tables... so i knock on the door and discover the owner is indeed tossing them and yes i can have them!

  7. Too cute! Great find! I'm in the same situation! So many great pieces and not enough time to work on all of them so they are getting stacked in my house! :)
    PS Linked up at your party too! Thanks! Feel free to visit mine on Wednesdays (it's actually still open if you can join!)

  8. lady I am seeing you all over blog land. Nice features!

    ~ robin

  9. Hey Karen ~ howz that que working out for you - lol! What a score!!


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