Saturday, March 3, 2012

Roadkill Rescue Door Chalkboard from Le Junque

If you are looking for the linky party it is still in full swing, click Link Party #45 to jump right to it. 

I have another Roadkill Rescue!!  


If you missed this post, here is the  Full Story

I found the frame in le garbage and made this awesome door sized chalkboard for my friend and client Dana Moran Photography

You can see all the steps at the post, but here is the before and after:



Thanks Beckie at Roadkill Rescue for the feature! 


  1. Awesome! You have such an eye for the potential in things!! Inspiring, girl! I might be driving off the road in the near future, looking at people's trash :)

  2. It's so great! I love the color. You have a great stash in your garage too. What I wouldn't do to go thrifting with you, hehe.

  3. Wow! I love this! I am a dumpster diver from waaaaay back and love to find and make things out of old throwaways. I began following you so that I can keep an eye or your new goodies.



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