Wednesday, March 7, 2012

When my blog grows up it will not be the last to the party!

Have you seen the fabulous blog hop going around?

I have wanted to join in since the beginning, but everything else kept getting in the way!  Mainly this:
 This isn't really my work space, but it feels like it.  Which brings me back to my blog......

I began blogging as a way to showcase my current and past projects to existing and potential clients, and hopefully network a little with other like minded creative souls.

I NEVER dreamed I would love it as much as I do.  I think my blog has reached the "TWEEN" years, puberty.  It is inconsistent, sometimes really fun, sometimes kind of a pain, but always, I LOVE it and enjoy every stage of it.  

I am in the process of cleaning my blog up.  It is getting a sleek new look and moving to a new platform.  Wordpress!   I have a special post set aside for my awesome blog designer.....

With this move, my goals for my blog and it's teenage into adulthood years are thus:

I always want it to be a place where I feel like I can share my work, thoughts, and YOUR amazing projects with other creative minds.

I would love to have a more consistent schedule for myself with posting.  Getting there!

Judging from my work area, you would not know this, but I am all about "efficiency".  I schedule out my day the night before, I "clean as I go" while I cook.  I fold the laundry (usually) as it is just coming out of the dryer.  What does this mean re my blog?  I would love to start sharing some of my  Type A organizational tips with my readers. Having survived newborn, toddler, and currently preteen twins, I have learned to maximize my time and resources. 

And finally, what I want my blog to be when it grows up, is what I hope it is becoming now. 
 A place to express myself, both in word, and in work.  A place for amazing people like you to come and share your talents with me.  A place to exchange ideas, give feed back, and support one another in our creative endeavors. 

This is what I want my blog to be when it grows up.  There are a few hours left before this party closes.  How about you?  What do you want your blog to be?

Click on the link to get the code, and add your blog!  It will be fun to read up on all the blogs that participated.  


  1. Your blog is grown up to me! Congrats on all the amazing things headed your way! Not sure what I want my blog to be when it grows up...good question (been thinking about this a lot lately)...oh wait, I know...a BOOK!

  2. I think a lot of us feel like tweeners, especially if the blog at some point begins to feel like maintenance. That's when it might be fun to do a make-over- redesign header photographs or side bar info, etc. The great part of it is always that we have ownership of it. "LISTEN TO ME, BLOG!!! I'M IN CHARGE!!" You're blog is unique because it is a true reflection of you!

  3. I'm so glad your blog's "tween" years aren't moody or goth! But light and bright and full of hope ... looking to a future of maturity and self-expression and open to all the amazing possibilities that lay ahead ...

    Thank you so much for sharing your tween blog's hopes and dreams at our link party!



  4. If these are your blog's "juvenile" years--it's gonna be a fabulous adult!
    Can't wait to see the new platform and design!

  5. i think you are doing a great job of making your blog exactly what you want it to be! i started in much the same manner, never dreaming it would become instead a much more social place for me. and i LOVE it.

  6. Well, I will continue to enjoy the ride! I adore your blog and your talent and style =) Your furniture transformations are gorgeous and I always look forward to them.

  7. Thanks so much for linking up to the party :) Your goals are incredible. I really like your writing style and your easy sense of humor. Perfect. Thanks for the inspiration.


  8. Better late than never! I would love to see some organization tips. Sounds like you have some well thought out goals...that's half of the battle. :)

    Thanks so much for joining our party, since I'm late to comment it appears we are in the same boat. :)

    Happy to be a new linky follower,
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog


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