Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy 15th Birthday!!!

Heureux 15 Anniversaire ! 

My oldest turns 15 today.  

This little person came into our world like this:
Then she grew and her personality started to shine.  We noticed some odd dressing behavior.

But this was soon outgrown. She loves her cousins.
Going to Giant's Baseball games with her Grandpa

Her brother and sister
teachers, esp. Ms. Fry in 4th and 5th grade

 Was very happy to finish 8th grade

Makes friends easily
Gets really excited every Christmas when we decorate Ginger Bread Houses
Loves getting dressed up
But most of all, we love her so much.  She is the sweetest girl a mother and father could ask for. 

Happy 15th Birthday Ali!!!!!


  1. Ali is a beautiful girl! Hope she has a lovely day! ... They just grow up in the blink of an eye!

  2. Happy Birthday Ali! May it be a great one!

  3. oh she is so beautiful!!! happy birthday, ali!

  4. Happy Birthday to an absolutely beautiful young lady! :-)

  5. happy birthday to your beautiful daughter....good for all of you!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  6. They get too big, too fast, don't they?!?
    So pretty with such a great smile!
    I luv that picture from when she was born--sooo sweet!

  7. What a sweetheart, She looks like she "enjoys" life! I have an "Ali", (Aly) too! Mommies also need to celebrate!

  8. What a sweet girl and what a proud momma. Rightfully so =)
    I am sure she is as lovely inside as she is out.
    Hope it was an extra special day!!


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