Monday, February 20, 2012

La Petite Table Verte

Happy Spring!  Well, not exactly yet, but we are having unseasonably warm weather here in Nor Cal.  Trees are blooming, everything is lush and green. I felt inspired to do something bright and cheery.

On a recent trip to a most exciting destination....Costco!  I felt I deserved a little "me" time browsing a nearby Goodwill after I had diligently labored for massive quantities of dog food, Diet Pepsi and Peanut Butter.  I thought this would be a quick browse through. This particular Goodwill does not usually have much in the way of furniture, but...
J'ai été heureusement récompensé ! 

  I found a multitude of goodies.  The first being this adorable little French Table, for.....$9.99!!!!  Thank goodness know one else wanted it.  Poor little table, it was waiting for Moi.  

(this could possibly be the worst picture taken with an iphone ever)


I skipped over to see what Karen at the Graphics Fairy 
might have in the way of French Graphics.  I found this adorable Graphic:

 I printed it out on standard 8.5x11 paper.  Taped down the carbon paper, then graphic on top.  Measured and used a straight line to make sure it was straight and even on the top, then went to town tracing.

The Green and black detail sets off her legs:

And her makeup is gorgeous:

And what about her new hat!

Are you ready for her total reveal?
I filled in the detail with a "Paint Pen in Black, and the really narrow detail with a small paint brush and black acrylic paint.  Sprayed out the handles in a flat black..... and VOILA! 


I love the transformation.  What had been passed over so many times is now a little treasure.

Mademoiselle Le petit français will be heading down to my space at PFM where she will hopefully find a lovely home to spend the rest of her days in.

Linking this project up with these lovely blogs: 


The Shabby Nest

Furniture Feature Fridays

Decorating Insanity


  1. mmmmmmmmmmmmm Frenchy Goodness!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Oh it makes me so happy....My table reveal for tomorrow is green too....Great minds think alike!!!

  2. Love it! She's quite the beauty!

  3. oh that is SO fun! i love that happy green!

  4. Wow! What a vibrant colour. It is so good to see colour, there is not a lot used these days. Your transformation is GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing your cheerful post today. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  5. I love this...the green just pops. You have a wonderful eye for color! :)

  6. treasure with a capital T! love it... cheerful, happy, sweet... perfect!

  7. I don't usually go for green, but this piece is just so fresh and happy looking! It looks great!

  8. What a lovely redoux ;-) I love that shade of green and the graphic is just perfect.

  9. I love the transformation! The green is so pretty.

  10. Love the green! The graphic looks perfect on top, you must be so happy with how it turned out! ~Marcy

  11. This color is fantastic. Would love if you shared it over at Furniture Friday

  12. The green is unique and perfect for this piece! Love it!!!!

  13. Great restyle I love the "zing" of color very punchy!!!

  14. I love it..the color is graphic and the graphic just completes it. I have to say I love it's hat!

  15. That is so fun! This project would be perfect for our new linky party featuring "Transformations" called Repurpose-Remodel-Reveal, I know our readers would love to see it too! (It starts Friday, March 2nd 2012 at 7:00 am MST and reoccures every 1st and 3rd Friday)

  16. You've been featured here: http://www.decoratinginsanity.com/2012/03/furniture-friday-7-and-link-party.html

  17. Thats because I sent you the wrong link. I guess I'm just as slow. Sorry, Here it is:


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