Wednesday, February 29, 2012

La Route pour Junque de Liberer!

The Road to Free Junk.  I travel this road each and every day.  Sometimes it is a road down the street, sometimes it is in the middle of a bunch of farm and ranch land.  

*****warning, if you are related to me and live in my household, look away, your garage just got smaller....

Today, I was answering an ad for some free doors.  I have been amassing some awesome doors as of late, and I thought my garage wasn't quite full enough.  

On my way there, this poor soul was lost in a ditch, it had been raining, I was wearing my "good jeans", and the thing was stuck in the mud.  Oh, did I mention I was on the phone with Shelly from A Little Bit o Shizzle? the whole time I was wrestling this sad lady into my car?  

The story continues....I finally find the remote ranch, hoping to score some more free goodness.  Upon arrival, I realized the doors were too large, but I always drop the "J" word.  Junk.  As in, "I would love to take your junk off your hands for you because I can fix it up and make it pretty."  No sooner did the word pass my lips that the Mrs. of the house was untying a large pile of tarps to unearth what she wanted me to haul away.  Boy did I SCORE!!!!  

This was my booty for the day:  
This cool looking chair, that actually folds up too!

This lovely Mirror

This Vintage Suitcase, with another inside, or possibly a dead animal.....

 This cute little lamp, with this cute, but needs an update shade:

This ladder, which used to belong to a bunk bed, will be receiving surgery soon to remove it's unsightly arms.  It will be sanded, waxed, and transformed to a vintage ladder.

 These lovely little shelves

This cute foot board, which can be transformed into a cute sign, (would love SUGGESTIONS here!! )  (it is upside down in picture, whoops)
 This neat shelf, (will update, would love your opinions....)

And last but not least, this sleigh bed head and foot board.  Poor condition, but can be restored. 
All for this price of this
Dog hair was already there.....

And this

I would say that was a "Junque"  bargain. 


  1. awesome. Always looking for some free stuff (furniture. Mrs. Smith found a coffee table for free on CL - so she sent me out for it the other night. 20 miles round trip (about $4 in gas the way I see it). But it was a great solid piece of coffee table that - with a little paint - will make someone really happy.

  2. serious???? I am having chest pains!! SO LUCKY!!!!! SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!! Love that you were talking to my neighbor Shelly too...:)

  3. Fabulous! Hard work pays off!!! I will look forward to seeing your transformations!

  4. Yep. I hate you.

    THAT mirror ALONE is fabulous you lucky dog.
    Good haul =)

  5. It's hard to keep a good pair of jeans when you're a Junker. ;-) Fun stuff there!!

  6. Be still my heart! Good Gravy you really scored! I do covet the mirror and the sleigh bed though.

  7. You are SO lucky! I know, I know, it's not luck!! I have your mirror's twin sister on my wall right now. I think they've been separated long enough. I'll send you my address? ;D Great finds girl!! ~L


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