Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Le Jour d'Amour


Valentines Day to me is a day to celebrate not only my love for Mark (aka suffering husband), but for my children as well.  As kids, my parents always made a big deal out of Valentines Day and there was always something fun sitting at our place at the dinner table.  I like to try to continue this tradition with my family, but this year, we made our hearts work harder.

Today is also "Open Market Day" for my 5th graders.  They get the chance to make something and sell it at "market" at school for school cash.  They can in turn buy other kid's stuff or spend it at the school store later.

Um, no not this open market....

To show my daughter Rachel how much I love her I helped her make Popcorn balls sprinkled with pink sugar (can't really see that part and we were out of Red Dye, but oh well!)  

For Travis (aka Mr. Red), I helped him dip marshmallows on a stick into melted chocolate.  He made these for Open Market before and they sold out in the first few minutes.  He does all the marshmallow sticking, I do the dipping, he does the decorating, I do the bagging, he finishes them off with all the cute bows tied with kitchen twine.

I secretly love him more when he is like this:

For Alison, (aka oldest daughter), she is running for a class offiice  next year in High School.  I have been helping with her campaign and lettered all her signs, Rachel showed her love to Alison by helping her paint all of them.  I continued to show love by not being annoyed that they were taking over our entire living room and dining room for several days.....

Mark showed his love to me by making dinner tonight.  He made his specialty, LASAGNE.  His really is the best home made Lasagne I have ever had (sorry mom!).  I like to cook, but having the night off is a HUGE! 

 I peaked.....

I also spied this yesterday....
 Hiding candy among the surplus snacks?  I can sniff out Sees anywhere. 

This is what he left for me this morning!  He leaves the house at 5:00 a.m., so to take time to do this made it extra special.

To love me is to understand my obsession with marshmallows and peeps

Love, the Bergs

What do you like to do show your love in your family?

Finally, I do love all of you for following, reading, or just stopping by once in a while to see what I am up to.  


  1. What a fun day. I love anything chocolate and marshmallow. The popcorn balls are awesome also. Hm, I must be hungry because it all sounds so good. I know about projects taking over the kitchen, living room, extra bedroom and pretty soon you are crying out "help"! Have a great day.

  2. What a great post! Definitely made my Valentine's Day :)

  3. The funny thing is that bag of See's Candy is not suffering husband's- he thought
    it was your's to him (sorry for the syntax!). He loves you though and thinks
    you're the funniest cutest blogger ever!

  4. And no more peeps if I see that awful picture of me again (that's her "ex" folks, not me!)
    S. Huband


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