Wednesday, February 8, 2012


My "Junque" lucky star continues to shine upon me, I hope it doesn't move on any time soon!  You will not believe what I found now.....

DOORS!  Truly, the early bird catches the worm, and in my case, it was two giant worms, or old doors I should say....

In my town, there is a little corner church that is in the process of being remodeled.  It is old, and there are lot of things from inside that need replacing.  I spotted two VERY LARGE old doors in a pile with other lumber, it was early, and it being a church...I didn't think it was appropriate to just go help myself.  

I went back later in the day and asked the Superintendent on the job if they were reusing them.  Not only were they not reusing them, they were so happy that someone was hauling them away for them.  Good thing I am not the only member of my family who goes crazy for "Le Junque".  Mr. Red was pretty excited too.

The doors had a nice soak overnight in a green stripping agent.  My friend is coming over this morning to help "unearth" them.  I think we are in for an archaeological experience.  There appears to be at least 5 different colors on each side of each door.  Can't wait to see what is under there!  

I have some ideas of what they will be used for in their next life, but I would love to hear what you would do with them!  
Linking up with this fun party today: 


  1. ooh i have two doors and am trying to decide what i will do- what are your plans??? i was thinking chalkboards, but i would love if you have more novel ideas! ;)

  2. Those are calling headboard and chalkboard!

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with them. I really love seeing a door propped against a wall with artwork or a wreath hanging from it. I can't keep them in my booth.
    Have fun figuring it out!

  4. I love old doors, I find very few of them here in Florida, but I did find one in a neighbors remodeling trash, but it had been cut in half. I still brought it home, and want to make a side table out of it. Will be checking to see what you do with yours.

  5. I love the chalkboard idea but what about adding some towel holders and using in a larger bathroom to hang towels from? We saw an idea in a local store that added wood slats to hold photos or cards, pieces of childrens artwork.

  6. What fabulous doors--I love that you are stripping them down to discover the bare wood!
    To ME, they are the most perfect simplistic design to layer between the wall and an old iron headboard. And then to hang on its face--a picture, a wreath, a swing-arm lamp. . . ??? Maybe a fabulous old decorative header on the wall above the doors--or at the TOP of the doors. . . !!
    --just my romantic imagination on the loose again,

  7. Would love to know what you use as a green stripper!

  8. oh, I just have the hugest soft spot for old doors! Beautiful find!


  9. You mean you did not want to keep the rainbow doors!?

  10. Hi I'm one of your new followers! Found your blog via Eccentric Leopard on the Blog Hop. I love old doors and can't wait to see what you do with them. I was thinking stacking them one above the other length-wise and creating a headboard. Or even above the couch and using the indents as shadow boxes with candle holders in between. Would look great on a country porch! : )

  11. these are awesome! I love the three recessed boxes. You could hang it horizontal on the wall and do chalkboard and cork board in the boxes! I'm a new follower!


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