Saturday, March 10, 2012

Roadkill Rescue #4! Kicked to the Curb

Hi friends, if you are here for the link party, it is still going strong until midnight!  You can jump right to it HERE

This is my 4th ROADKILL RESCUE feature!!  If you don't follow Roadkill Rescue, you really should.  It is amazing what people can make with trash, literally! 

If you are new to Redoux, you may have missed this post:  I found this desk on the street, for reals.  In a bad part of a nearby city.  Long story, of course I was on a Craigslist run.  I saw this and threw it in my car.  I was worried someone was going to wrestle me for it as soon as they saw how good it was!  Of course, the only people around were a couple of sketchy teens.  Here it is before....

And here it is after!

If you would like to know more about how this desk went from roadside rubbish to this, you can read all about it Here


  1. That was quite a score. I've got my hubby trained to pick me up treasures that he sees while traveling for work. It's always most exciting when the cost starts out at zero. Beautiful transformation!

  2. i just love it.... i want to come dig in trash with you.

  3. You find the best trash ;) It's a beauty. I see many more features in your future! You sure can work some magic lady!

  4. Woman - I see your dumpster diving antics on Facebook - you are roadkill rescue QUEEN! I really am going to follow you around! Ha!

  5. Bonjour ma cherie. Love your blog and road kills-found you through the V spot blog. I heart dumpster diving myself, and we would be great together going junking! Cheers

  6. I thought for SURE, I had made a comment about how much I liked this -but it doesn't look like I did!
    It turned out beautiful!


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