Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Roadkill Rescue #5! Roadside Plank Topped Table


Can you believe it?  Beckie Farant, the creative genius behind ROADKILL RESCUE is featuring another of my projects.  

If you are new to my blog, then you may have not seen this one:

My Roadside Plank topped Farm Table

The table was already a free to me from a friend who had moved, poor little table was left behind.....It was serving as my outdoor patio table, perfectly happy, but waiting for an upgrade.

One day I received a text from a friend.
 "Big pile of wood planks off Highway 4, on the gravel, room enough to pull over".  

 (I pulled over where the arrow is...)

This is what I found, they were very dirty

After cleaning them up with Mr. Red, my helper, I secured them to the table, cut to size, sealed them with an outdoor poly, and VOILA

We have a gorgeous new Table

There is much more to the story, like the fact I broke the speed limit and then some to get my car pool to dance so I could get back and grab the planks.  I wasn't exactly equipped for the job,  I was in heels and a skirt.  Do I let a nice outfit come between me and some "junque"?  NON!   A nice man pulled over to help me because he thought the boards had fallen out of my car then looked at me like I was crazy when I told him I was picking them up off the highway.  It was quite the process to get them clean, and so much more......To read all the hairy details, click HERE for the original post.  

Linking this oldie but goodie up with these lovely parties:

Tutorials and Tips

Tip Junkie handmade projects



  1. What a great table!! The planks looks so good, like they were meant for that table!

    And I love the good samaritan :-)

  2. i don't know if i ever saw this one and i am in LOVE. so in love...

  3. Wonderful, what is not to like about 'free'?

  4. Great ! the planks make it look so good! Good job.

  5. Awesome possum! ;-) Way to go my friend and congrats on the feature. That table is fantastic!

  6. That is one cool table! Love it :)

  7. Wow, I love it! Great job!

    Blessings, Grace

  8. Love this table!!!! Rustic chic, my favorite!

  9. I remember this post!!! It reminded me of the time I stopped to pick a window frame out of someone's trash and he came out and had a whole conversation with me--funny...I even had both my kids with me...

  10. I love it! Beautiful! The chairs are so cool too! Please come by my party happening Thursday to link it up! I would love to see you there!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  11. Gorgeous - love it! All that work just makes you appreciate it more, right?! :)

  12. Somehow I can just "see this in my mind"! te he! glad you survived! the table looks fantastic!

  13. I bow to you oh feature queen. You and Art is Beauty are fighting for the title ;)

  14. newest follower via linky! this looks great and the story is really funny. Would love a return follow if you want to check out my barn doors project!
    thanks, laura

  15. Awesome table redo. Great story, too. That'll keep me smiling all day. I'm now following via Linky and GFC.

  16. You crack me up! The table looks awesome lady!

  17. I LOVE that table! Reminds me to tell the story of my green chair on my blog :D New follower from project queen.

  18. LOVE this!! I want to do something similar to our dining room table once the top wears out. Thanx for partying lady!

  19. That is such a fun table! I love how rustic but classy it is! This project would be perfect for our linky party featuring "Transformations" called Repurpose-Remodel-Reveal, I know our readers would love to see it too! (It starts tomorrow- Friday, March 16th 2012 at 7:00 am and reoccures every 1st and 3rd Friday)

    -Whitney @ TheRoosterAndTheHen

  20. So love the table, it came together so great.
    More so, love the price...
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. LOVE IT! And you know very well PB would try to sell you something like that for an obscene amount of money. Awesome job!

  22. Wow....great job. I love it.

  23. That is a gorgeous table! And a great story too!


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