Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Redouxs and Link Up Party

Before we begin the Friday Redoux Link Up Party.  I want to thank Kelli at Restore Interiors for hosting my glazing tutorial.  Kelli lives in Birmingham, Alabama.  She was actually on her way out of town when all the disaster was hitting.  Birmingham has been hit very hard.  I am sure we are all aware now of the devastation and the death toll that occurred because of this recent natural disaster. 

I am including a link to the Red Cross.  You can go right to the link to donate to relief for this most recent tornado.  I know I don't have to ask you to keep all those who were adversely affected, lost their homes, businesses, and in the worst cases, loved ones, in your thoughts, prayers and meditations. 

Thank you!  -Karen  Red Cross Disaster Relief

So.....on with the Link ups!  Like most of you, I am in the middle of a bunch of "redouxs".  I had hoped to complete my current furniture work to show you, but it just won't be finished until tomorrow afternoon.  I did however, finish my first piece of artwork for my "boffice"  (bathroom office, term I took from Lisa at "A Vintage Vine", for her "cloffice").

I got my Chalk Paint this week!  I have already redone the walls, (no more scary cave look), and will hopefully get to the cabinets next week.  My husband loves Vintage Maps, like this one:


But the price tag is way beyond our limits. 
And, in the spirit of the Royal Wedding tomorrow

(not this one, sadly)

We also have a shared passion for London.

My husband suggested I create a Map type piece of artwork.

Here is what I have:

$10 giant cabinet door purchased from Ikea in the "scratch and dent section"

Chalk Paint!



(this is great for taking small shavings off edges)

Lots of maps copied from Google Images and printed on thin paper

Decoupage Medium

Antiquing Wax

I started by making "worm holes" with the awl. 
This is a great way to give character to a new piece of wood.

Painted the entire piece in my Chalk Paint
(sorry, in a hurry, no picture)

After it dried, I used a wet rag to take some of the paint off
(repeat above disclaimer)

Decoupaged the maps into the places I wanted them
(yada yada yada)

And.....the finished result!

I had my son help me out, we went heavy on the wax on the "frame"

A collection of cool Vintage maps, free version

Total cost for the project, $10 for the door, a smidgen of paint, a smidgen of ink from my printer cartridge and a smidgen of wax.  (hey, I am lousy with accounting, what can I say)

Now, let's see what you did this week (or recently)

Rules: Very few, just something that was "redone"

Please post on your blog that you are linking up here to share the party! 


I will be announcing winners NEXT Friday, instead of Monday.  So from now on, the link up winners will be showcased the following week. 



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