Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Glazed over - the TUTORIAL!

Hi all, guess what? I am guest posting over at  Restore Interiors 
with a detailed Tutorial on Glazing, all the tips and tricks you have wanted to know.

Kelli is my sweet blogging friend who I call the Southern Version of Moi.  We have a great story to tell on how we met!  Come on over and check out the tutorial.  Glazing is one of my favorite subjects.  I do a TON of it, hopefully you will learn some new tips and tricks!

Be sure to stay a while and check out Kelli's blog.  She is one talented gal, was the Miss Mustard Seed "copy me" winner of 2011, and quite the accomplished "redouxer" herself.   



  1. Just took a peak at your tutorial. Great tips for beginners and for people like me who have done some glazing but always can learn a thing or two from the true experts.


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