Friday, May 20, 2011

Old to New Your Great Redoux - Link Party and A GUEST POST!

Happy Friday! Wow, love, love, love the link up parties!  I am so inspired each week to try new things.

Guess what, I am hanging out in two places today!
 I am guest posting over at the enormously hilarious blog by the fab "Vivienne" at the

If you missed my post on all the dirty secrets of getting a good clean paint job done on your furniture "Redoux", then you will want to check out my post over at Viv's place.  While you are there, be sure to check out some of her tutorials, she is a master spray painter, and absolutely hilarious to boot! 
If you want a daily chuckle, then definitely sign up to follow this girl.  
Plus, don't hate her, she is GORGEOUS and has FANTASTIC hair.
 (I am follicly challenged myself. I have major hair envy...see (Hairapist for the low down)

O.K., sur avec le spectacle!  The winners are........

Amy from Maison Decor

Amy is "Le Bomb" of all things French Style, just look at this gorgeous Coffee Table

You must see what she did with this to transform it:

She began with a Coffee Table that had good bones, but what a vision she had!

She painted the entire piece, then MADE her own stencil and use "Old White" chalk paint

She used Gold Leaf on the edges and a clear Wax to seal it. 

Wow, this could be one of my favorite "Redouxs" ever.  I am so inspired to try this one out too. 


Here are some other amazing pieces:

Lesley from Saving Grace

Gave us this lovely hutch,

It was pretty homely to start with and she did an amazing job of transforming it to something beautiful.

And last.....I try to spread the love around, but this girl just does the cutest things, and she is a new kid on the block in bloggyland, but clearly she knows her way around the paint store:

Mindy from Pretty in Paint

I have never done a furniture piece in Green before, and I am so inspired by this very cheery piece.

Green must be a popular color right now, all things Spring because Barb at Knack Studios selected 
Peacock Green as her color this week....
 You don't know about Barb? 
You must add her to the list of blogs you follow,
she is the end all, know all of the
paint and furniture world. 
And oh so cool to boot! 

Now, your turn to link up. 

Please grab my linky party button on the side and let your followers know you are linking up here! 
le plus le plus joyeux!


  1. HI!!! I'm so excited to be your newest follower!! I have so many pieces of furniture I want to re purpose and I can't wait to look around your blog and get some tips!!

    I linked up the one and only thing I've done so far and I'm adding you to my linky list!

    Have a wonderful weekend...oh and found you at The V Spot Blog!

  2. Hey there! I gave you an "award" today and linked to you. Feel free to enjoy that however you see fit. :)

  3. Wow! Love this table redoux! Beautiful piece of furniture!

  4. Thanks for featuring my coffee table! I love it too. Such a great link party you have here!

  5. thank you for the knack love friend!....and for sharing my love of all things green :)


  6. Love your blog...........I am sharing yours and mine and hope you pass it on


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