Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Triple Feature Today!

When it rains it pours!
It's a Double feature today.
#1 I am being featured by Beckie at Roadkill Rescue.  One of my favorite sites for trash to treasure inspiration.
This chair was even featured on Design Sponge.  Yes, you can spray paint leather:
You can read all about how this chair came to be Here

#2 and #3 And.....My Movable Work Bench from Pallets was voted in the TOP 10 at The DIY Club 
for February.....
and is being featured at one of my favorite blogs by Sharon at  Elizabeth & Company

If you haven't checked out the features at either of these sites, it is worth a trip over there.  Loads of inspiration for projects and crafts.


  1. yahoo!!!1 i saw that you were in the top 10- YAY!

  2. Well now you're going to have to make that three features today, because I featured you too! Woo-hoo, well deserved!

  3. Congratulations!! Well deserved!!! ~Lori

  4. you are famous....congrats!!!
    I cannot even imagine spray paint on leather....wow...thanks for the tip!!!


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