Thursday, February 2, 2012

Le Paris Flea time!

It's here again, it seems to sneak up on my every month!  This month I was actually "ahead" of the game, and even have inventory for next month's sale.

If you live in the SF Bay Area, or a little beyond, trust me, this is worth "le drive".  Being a "flea" has been the most soul satisfying experience for me.  A place to sell my creations, work with amazing other women who are almost as crazy as I am, and actually see people (self promotion time), snapping up my stuff and taking it home with them! 

Oh, c'est trop bon !

Here is a peak at what my space looked like when I left it Tuesday:

Le Chair's partner went to a lovely home last month, the new owner was hoping to come and get the 2nd one this month, Hurry, hurry!

The Grey and Turquoise you see are done in Ce Ce Caldwell Paints  (I am just getting my workshop in Sonoma photos together, promise next week! )

 Hopefully by Monday it will be all gone!  

 PS Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see "Le Features" from last week's party and link up your newest REDOUX!! 


  1. Hope you do great! You're stuff is so awesome I know you will.

  2. I know what you mean- I am heading into my third month at the shop I'm in and it is so rewarding. Hope you continue to sell lots! :)

  3. It will all be gone I am sure!! It all looks amazing!!!

  4. I'm so behind in my blog reading, but I just had to comment on how lovely it all looks. I used to live in Pleasant Hill in the east bay almost 5 years ago. I miss the bay area weather. Can't complain today in Texas. It's just gorgeous. Hope you're having a grand weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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