Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Solid Gold!



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 And now....onto the good stuff:

Are you a child of the 70's - 80's?  Does this remind you of anything?

Maybe this? 

Do you remember the Solid Gold Dancers and Marilyn McCoo?  (which, by the way is a very unfortunate last name)

That is what this trunk reminded me of.  Maybe this is why I couldn't resist bringing it home with me.  It had a strange sentimental value.  I am a sucker for old trunks.  Not sure what I am going to do with this one.  I am thinking a light paint job, I don't want to cover all the gold up.  Besides, I am kind of digging this rusted part:

It has wheels, but I am not liking this version so much.  I am thinking, bigger, chunkier industrial types.

The inside has real cedar, but not so crazy about the red small checky thing.

Would love your thoughts on what to do with this piece.  Let me know if you watched Solid Gold too!  

If you would like to take a trip down memory lane with me, click HERE FOR SOLID GOLD THEME SONG

And if you want to sing along, here are the lyrics:
  SOLID GOLD!! Filling up my life with music.
SOLID GOLD!! Putting rhythm in my soul.
There's a song that's unreeling,
To fit the way that I'm feeling;
My head keeps spinning to music,
Spinning to gold...

Linking up this silly post and funky trunk with this awesome blog:


  1. as if I didn't already have the song stuck in my head when you mentioned "solid gold" :)
    Make it into a cool coffee table..:)

  2. The white male Solid Gold dancer looks like Phil
    from Modern Family.

  3. ha ha! i remember solid gold.... i tried to block it from my memory- thanks a lot! ;)

  4. hi! got your email thank you. i'd love to chat at some point....BUT I can't NOT comment on this post. Not about the trunk, which is a great find by the way, but you brought up one of my favorite childhood/tween memories. Believe it or not, I used to put on my skankiest dance leotard, which was a black spaghetti strapped criss cross back and my fishnet tights from one of my tap costume performances and my mom's heels and dance from footstool to coffee table to dining room table, back down to coffee table and end on fireplace mantel. oh i was a fierce solid gold dancer and that is all I wanted to be when I grew up. Also if I ever could have one wish, it would have been to win their costumes from one night of their show. haha....crazy huh!

    let's chat soon! ♥ april kennedy

  5. I agree. Leave the rust, leave some gold, ditch those wheels and you've got a great piece!

  6. I found one under the crawl space of the cottage house. When you do yours... I'll just copy you!!!! LOL.
    I am sure I'll love it. I need to air mine out come Summer. I am sure it will get a complete paint job. And maybe an interior re build to be more usefull. I'd like to line it with fabric. The chunky wheels sound like a good idea! That would look great one yours =)

    Congrats on the big move and the new venture!!

  7. not sure how big yours is, but I have seen other blogs where they put legs n it and use it for a coffee table. I have never watched Solid Gold and I grew up in the 70s-80s

  8. We used to take those trunks to camp ;-) 80's is my favorite! I have an OLD steamer trunk that I am going to start redoing soon. I got it for $10! I think it's easily from the 1800's!

  9. I say rub-n-buff the heck out of that trunk with a brushed gold.....I think it's fabulous in solid gold!!! (PS my favorite show EVER!!)


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